Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Feminism, Matriarchy and Femdom are NOT Misandry: Get it Right

Let's set the Record Straight!

Empowerment for all Women, to gain equal opportunity, equal rights and freedom from oppression.

Female-Led Systems, designed to create a more positive, loving and free world. Women as Responsible Leaders in every aspect of life, for the benefit of communities, societies and  the world.

'Domination' not through violence, abuse or oppression, but through overwhelming love and brilliance, creativity and skill. Forget the pornographers' all-too-common definition. We are talking about Sisters leading everywhere for a better world for all. (and real leaders are not dictators, they are positive role models)

Any hint of 'man-hating' in those definitions? You won't find it. For real Feminism, Matriarchy and Femdom, there is NO hate, no destructive plans against men. When we discuss disabling, overriding or replacing patriarchy, it is not out of hate, it is out of love for a better way.

Sisters are continually under attack from 'mens' rights activists' (thinly disguised misogynists, most of them) for speaking their minds and being visible on these topics. Note that is a technique of manipulators to attempt control of conversation by labeling people and shoving them into categories   the manipulators themselves have invented. What could be more arrogant?

No man can 'define' you in his terms. You can have your own terms, regardless of what any man says.
Not to say men do this manipulation out of evil, as most of this is habit they have accumulated through years of exposure and immersion into a patriarchal society. There is no reason to hate anyone who is not even aware of what they are doing. You can hate the systems, but not those people, as they are victims of a negative system too. (now if you encounter an actual misogynist, prepare to deal with that, too. We'll save that topic for another post!)

So the next time anyone accuses you of misandry (man-hating), tell them the three terms and what they really mean. Explain the actual positive, healthy aspects of Feminism, Matriarchy and Femdom that are the true spirit of these movements.

I felt so good researching this artiucle I even kissed a few men (see photo)


  1. While I agree with your thoughts in general, Gina, I think you're too optimistic. You're over-estimating men. You see a new world in which men can be re-educated to accept the Matriarchy, but most men are too stupid to learn, or simply too defiant. After millennia of male-run governments and religions, do you really expect men to relinquish control without a struggle?

    Once the Matriarchy is in place many men will realise that it's a system that works better, but there will still be pockets of resistance. There will have to be structures in place to punish men who resist the Matriarchy, in words or deeds. This isn't misandry, of course; it's simply law and order.

  2. I never said the path would be easy!
    A few points:
    1. Just because many men may seem that way now (stupid, defiant) does NOT mean they will stay that way. A large part of the evolution is just that, evolution which is slow and natural. Men will not even notice the changes in themselves as being so radical.
    2. Rather than punishment systems, along with the slow evolution of the Matriarchy, men will be bred more carefully and that is something We, as Sisters, can do and will do.
    3. This need to think in terms of control and structure are h8uman, of course. But the 'patriarchal' approach is through forceful domination. The 'matriarchal' systems' approach is that of overwhelming through popular and desirable behavior, through community-based Circles and incentivized activities.
