Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Sisterhood in Second Life: Why The Matriarchy is in SL

Future Femdom has been developing its presence on Second Life as part of a slow and gradual mission to spread the inspirational message of the Sisterhood. But why Second Life? What is the appeal and the purpose?

The Sisterhood evolves as we connect, dissolve barriers of separation, and overcome the manipulations of the patriarchy. Virtual worlds hold a special place in this evolution, as they easily allow geography limitations and societal obstructions to fall aside, so that Sisters can meet, share and grow together like never before. These worlds are an important step in the organisation and global empowerment process.

What happens in the virtual world can be a future echo of what happens later in the real world. How? With certain societal restraints removed, people are more free to express themselves and display their intuitive natures. The continual growth of matriarchal systems in Second Life are an indicator of the will of humanity. This will can be seen in SL, in advance of its popular growth offworld.

As virtual worlds are an invaluable way to globally connect, and also a fabulous way to permit change, these are wonderful places to inspire those changes. Second Life has been a leader in the virtual worlds market, and we hope it continues this position.

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