There have always been a number of 'femdom' places in Second Life, and I suspect there always will be. Over recent years, however, the positive, large-scale Sisterhood undercurrents have taken a great deal of damage.
Major networks and coalitions of femdom sims, including those with real-word ties and impact, have greatly diminished. Many are stagnant. A great deal of this is a direct of result of Linden Labs own policy changes, which have severely restrained, if not eliminated, community strengths and aspects. (I know, I have been intimately involved with those disastrous changes. I did my best to resist them)
But it is not just the Lab. Many of the femdom sims, by their own designs and practices, simply were not sustainable on a long term. It is natural, of course, and very organic, that sims and groups will come and go, ebb and flow in this virtual environment. However, it is my opinion that those sims with less-than-sustainable social models, have only heightened the situation.
After a prolonged absence on my part (illness), I returned to SL (about 2 years ago) to find most actual 'femdom' had been overtaken by so-called financial domination scams. I am not against sustainable and positive business models...in fact, I think they are key....but TOO MANY of the 'findom' places are actual unethical scams to drain victims of money and create very poor behaviors. Their overwhelming effect has also been to drown more ethical and honest Matriarchal movements in SL. Try to search 'femdom' in the SL Search system and see what I mean!
Add to this the fact that some femdom sims use tricky techniques to 'compete', such as using 'robots to artificially inflate their apparent traffic, or even paid residents to stand around and boost the numbers. This competition (and the jealousy/fighting/stealing of men, rather than sharing) has also contributed to an unhealthy snapshot of the current Matriarchal cultures in Second Life.
In my more recent research, I have started to find a pleasant backlash. Some sims popping up that promote more sharing and less competition. More Open/Free Matriarchal Societies rather than only ownership-driven BDSM places. A strong backlash against the tide of 'findomming' and its related scams.
Perhaps it is time for new 'Femdom Coalitions' where sims with similar positive and collaborative atittudes and work together and perhaps, just perhaps, rekindle the Matriarchal flame in SL
- Gina
Join and Support the Sisterhood by entering Second Life and exploring the city of Future Femdom, a 100% immersive societal matriarchy in SL. At Future Femdom, all men are bred to worship the entire Matriarchy. It's not about 'bedroom sex' or 'slave ownership'...this isn't a BDSM place. Future Femdom is about Empowerment and Leadership, as Sisters lead the world. It is about working together to lead, as men learn to worship us as we do.
Learn more:
- Teleport to Future Femdom now
- Go to Future Femdom site
- Read abt FF in the Second Life Destination Guide
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