Every Nice Thing You Do Makes A Difference In The World
Those gestures, gifts and kind words really add up. As slaves, your purpose is to worship Us, and that includes praise, love and full respect. With each instance of your demonstrated efforts, your worship energy touches Us, relaxes Us, pleases Us. The more you do this, the more Joy We will feel and help bring to this World. Peace is made up of Pieces; each day and each moment in that day and the pieces of wonderful worship you can provide. Do not think your efforts of love are never felt or appreciated. Every little point of your worship adds to a great air that We breathe, a sweet smell that entrances, an uplifting energy that excites and inspires. You were designed to love Us, and there endless ways for yo to do so. There are also endless opportunities for this. Take as many as you can! Make your own difference in the World!
O sitio de dominaciĆ³n femenina sitio http://bossy-girls.net/ apoya los que trabajan para a emanicipation femenina
ReplyDeleteThe female domination site http://bossy-girls.net/ supports those who work for female emanicipation