Yay! Future Femdom is proud to be part of this year's exciting Femdom Hunt in Second Life!
TP to Future Femdom now!
I must say, this event is one of the more organised I've seen in Second Life. Always a great job by the team at Z&A Productions!
For those who don't know.....
The Femdom Hunt VII is an adult-themed treasure hunt in the virtual world of Second Life, created by and organised by Z&A Productions. It was first thought of around September 2010 and six hunts have taken place since (in April 2011, October 2011, October 2012, October 2013, October 2014 and October 2015).
The idea behind the hunt is to interweave a traditional grid-wide hunt
(one that includes shops of all types (fashion, household, fetish, RLV
toys, etc...) with a hunt that links together and showcases many of the
Femdom sims and locations to be found in Second Life. To this end the
Femdoms who are supporting the hunt are spaced evenly throughout the
location list, and the hunt itself is designed as a circular hunt. The
last location in the hunt points to the first and we encourage everyone
to treat any Femdom region (or indeed any location on the hunt) as their
starting location.
The hunt starts at midnight on October 13th (the midnight between the
12th and the 13th, Second Life time) and runs until the end of October
30th (Second Life time).
There is an SL group for the hunt:
The group will be used to keep people informed of hunt-related news and
everyone will be encouraged to use group chat to support and help each
other -- and possibly have some Femdom-related fun along the way.
The Hunt's blog: