I can highly recommend a new exhibit by Scylla Rhiadra, currently showing in Second Life. Is This Turning You On? is part of the 16 Days of Activism in SL event, a full schedule of intriguing performances and presentations.
From Scylla's introduction:
This exhibit asks a very simple question about role play that simulates gender violence in Second Life. This question, reiterated in slightly different ways throughout the exhibit, is directed most particularly at those who assume the role of abuser, rapist, or killer, in the course of role playing sexual violence. Most starkly expressed, it is this:
Why is it that you are so turned on by the thought of violence?
New Exhibit: Is This Turning You On?
This exhibit is a very frank and direct exploration of simulations of gender violence in Second Life. It contains highly graphic depictions and descriptions of extreme sexual violence that may be offensive, disturbing, or triggering. Please do NOT enter this exhibit if such material is likely to disturb you unduly.